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Notable Videos by other organizations

Our L.E.A.F. members come across a lot of brilliant content from like-minded people, here we give them the spotlight they deserve and hope to share it with our viewers. 

The Environment

A brutally honest cartoon video that criticizes our abuse of the world. The images speak for themselves.

Planet Earth Is You

 Four truly inspiration minutes, mingles hope and despair in one heart-wrenching package. Be warned there is, necessary, graphic content.

Stop Wildlife Crime

A dead serious (pun) video by the World Wildlife Fund, brings to the forefront an often ignored atrocity we all profit from.

The Earth Song by Micheal Jackson

Our current site song(see the play button next to our logo) immensely powerful and beautiful. A testament to the late "king of pop"

Saving The Environment

A sweet stop motion  rendition of what you can do to support your environment. 

Earth Unveiled 

A LEAF original video based on a collection of royalty free footage which captures the Earth's beauty in its pristine form. The Hungarian Rhapsody accompanies it.

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