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Complete Overview

   Our purpose is to encourage and participate in eco-friendly activities in and outside the school environment in order to work towards more sustainable practices. For example we would like to introduce recycling endeavors, involvement with cradle to cradle systems(re-use waste and turn it into functional products) and ecological rehabilitation.


   Therefore we shall have a combination of hands-on activities such as recycling and re-using paper. In addition to awareness campaigns to give the framework for aspiring individuals to function fruitfully within their personal environment and beyond. Our organization is therefore long-term and split into various projects. We shall participate in world-wide events such as Earth Day(April 22), World Water Day(March 22), Green Consumer Day(September 28) and Biodiversity day (May 22) amongst others. However, we shall also participate in continuing activities such as litter-control and planting.

   The club runs on a systematic basis, this means every week we shall have a meet-up in addition to ongoing online communication and occasionally various events. We aim for every member to participate and enjoy themselves within a pleasant social environment. This means that projects are not intended to be a grind but, rather, be rewarding and fun. For example, we might run an awareness campaign and make an entire show out of it rather than a boring lecture, which is fun for the presenter and the audience. Idea input is always encouraged by the members.

   Membership being voluntary, one of the side effects is the ebb and flow of members. At the core of the group we shall always have the loyal members and our recruiting campaigns will continue even when we have enough members to work with. Moreover, members are expected to show up regularly to the club, since we may come to rely on them for particular tasks. Trust/responsibility is built up over time, allowing members to prove their worth via actions. This is to prevent projects and tasks from not being completed fully.

   Whilst there are no particular ranks and everyone’s opinion is equally weighted, certain specialist roles do exist in return for extended loyalty to the club. This includes the treasurer, someone who handles our finances and ensures nothing is wasted; for instance if we require investment for a project they would find the cheapest stores in the vicinity to function from. Moreover, a president and vice-president exist to organize meetings and events; they ensure that everything runs smoothly in terms of when things happen and informing everyone that a certain event or deadline is coming. The “secretary” requires a neat and speedy handwriting and functions to write down any ideas and decisions and then compile this into a digital file: for easy access for members. 


  Initially we intend to setup shop, this includes recruition campaings, awareness campaigns and fundraisers. Meanwhile, we shall set ties with local, broader, environmental clubs for input and support. These organizations include Stadsnatuur: and Tref punt groen,, amongst others; whom can support us and potentialy offer projects and ideas. 


  Our long term goal is to create an effective and versatile club which incorporates various talents in an organized and robust manner, this in term aims to reduce and eliminare the degradation of our environment and make people aware of the seriousness of this issue. This is split off and applied via a smorgasbord of projects and activities, which can all be found(both implemented and planned) here:



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